Downtown Suffolk Design Workshops
The Suffolk Planning Department recently welcomed Benchmark Planning, a consulting firm hired by the city to update the Downtown Suffolk Initiatives Plan. They hosted a week of workshops called Design Downtown, during which they invited citizens to stop in, look at the maps and charts they compiled and share their ideas and concerns about the future of downtown. The week started and ended with standing-room-only meetings filled with citizens interested in seeing growth in the community.
Presenter Mia Byrd, Comprehensive Planning Manager Claire Jones, and Plaid Turnip owner, Ed Beardsley, listen from the window alcove
Suffolk resident Mia Byrd giving her presentation on the types of businesses that may be good for downtown
Eurnicka Artis, the owner of EA Tax Service, shares her concerns and experiences as a Suffolk business owner
Ralph Nahra, downtown real estate investor, was one of the four downtown residents and business owners to give a brief presentation
People enjoying the temporary outdoor seating at Harper's Table, next to the site Design Downtown called home for the week
Restaurants on Main Street, such as The Plaid Turnip, created temporary outdoor seating areas — one of the proposed ideas
One of the midweek brainstorming sessions between city planners, consultants, and citizens